Making the Lines
- Open a new composition, and give it a name. I’ll name mine “Lines”
- Select the Pen Tool, and click outside of the composition on the left hand side. To create a straight line, hold the Shift key to then click on the outside of the composition on the right side.
- Set Line to “No Fill” and set the stroke color to White, and pixels at 100. Rename “Shape Layer 1” to “Line”
- Open the “Line” layer’s contents, click “Add” and select “Repeater.” Open Repeater 1 contents, and set Copies to “9”.
- Open “Transform Repeater 1” contents. Set X Position to 100 and Y Position to 135.
- Open “Stroke 1” and click “+” next to Dashes and set Dash value to 600. Click “+” again and set the Gap value to 50.
- Select “Path 1” and double click the line vertice. Extend the line composition to fill the entire screen, and adjust lines as needed.
Adding Effects
- Create a new solid (Ctrl+Y) and make it’s dimensions bigger than the composition (I set mine to 2400 x 2400). Name it “Effects” and set color to White.
- In Effects & Presets add “Fractal Noise” to the “Effects” Layer. Set Fractal Type to “Swirly”, Noise Type “Soft Linear” and Contrast to 75.
- Set Effects Layer Track Matte to “Luma Matte”. This will result in the Line layer cutting out the texture.
- Open Transform contents underneath the Fractal Noise Effect Controls. Deselect “Uniform Scaling” and adjust Scale Width and Height to your liking. My values were Scale Width = 480, and Scale Height = 360.
- Create an Evolution keyframe at the beginning (click the “Home” key on your keyboard to ensure you’re at the first frame). Open Evolution Options and select “Cycle Evolution” to make the Evolution loopable.
- Click the “End” key on your keyboard to advance to the final frame. Set Evolution to 1 to create a second keyframe.
- With the “Effects” layer selected, click the “U” key to show keyframes. Select the final keyframe and move it one frame to the right. This will create a seamless loop.
- Add “Tritone” from Effects and Presets to the “Effects” Layer. Set Highlights to Yellow, Midtones to Orange, and Shadows to a Dark Red (Crimson color). Increase Contrast under Fractal Noise contents to bring out the colors if necessary.
- Precompose both “Line” and “Effect Layer” - Name it “Line Comp”
Adding Warp and Camera Blur Effects
- Add Warp effect from Effects and Presets to the Line Comp. Explore with the various Warp styles and I’ve selected Bulge for this tutorial. Set Bend to 50.
- Add Camera Lens Blur and set the Blur Radius to 25.
- With the Line Comp layer selected, go to the shape tool and select Ellipse. Hold Ctrl to click and drag from the center of the composition to create an ellipse.
- Open Mask 1 contents and set feather to 180. Then, open Effects and then the Camera Lens Blur contents. Click the “+” next to Compositing Options so that the Mask is only applied to the Camera Lens Blur Effect.
- Finally, set Mask 1 Mode to “Subtract”.
Animating the Lines
- Animate the Warp’s bend by creating a keyframe at the beginning. Go to 4 seconds in time, create another keyframe and set the bend to -5. Copy the first keyframe, click the “End” key on your keyboard and paste. Finally, select all keyframes to make Easy Ease, and move the last keyframe one frame to the right to create a seamless animation.
- To animate the lines double click the “Line Comp” and open “Line” contents. Open “Stroke 1” and then open “Dashes”. Create a keyframe for “Offset” at the beginning, then click “End” on your keyboard to go to the final frame.
- To make a seamless line animation, open Ruler and drag a guide to the end of one of your lines. Then, increase the offset value so that the end of the line is in alignment with your guide. Finally, drag the keyframe one frame to the right.
Make a Background
- Create a Background by clicking Ctrl+Y. Select “Make Comp Size”.
- In Effects and Presets add Gradient Ramp. Adjust Start and End Ramp points and change colors to a dark purple and dark red.
Adding Light
- Add Light by clicking Ctrl+Y, and set solid color to white. Create a Mask in the upper left hand corner, set Mask Feather to 360 and change it’s Mode to Overlay.
- Duplicate the Layer and move it’s position to the lower right hand corner. With Layer selected, click “Ctrl+Shift+Y” and change it’s color to a dark purple.
Create an Infinite Loop
- Precompose all Layers, and name it “Lines Background”
- Right Click on the Layer, go to “Time” and select “Enable Time Remapping.”
- Advance to the final keyframe, and then go to the frame prior by clicking “Page Up.” Create a keyframe by clicking the stopwatch, delete the final keyframe and replace it with the keyframe you just created.
- Hold the Alt key and click the stopwatch next to “Time Remap”. Add the expression “loopOutDuration”.
- Finally, click Ctrl+K to open Composition Settings. Adjust Composition length to the duration of your project. Then, in the timeline panel extend the background layer and it should loop infinitely.